“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” – Walt Disney
Technology + Simplicity = Return Customers
Technology is advancing faster and faster. The iPod is the perfect example for this, since every new version gets smaller, has more capabilities, and comes out faster than the previous version. However, a majority of businesses lack the cutting edge features to keep up with the constantly changing market. Business owners who live by sayings like, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” and, “We have always done it this way and it works,” are getting left behind. While what you’re doing might not be a problem right now, it will eventually become outdated. And once your company begins to lose money, you will have to invest even more money to catch up with your more adaptive competitors.
Having a successful business doesn’t mean you have to be a tech wizard, but you should be able to navigate the various tools that are useful to your company. Customers want things to be simple and easy-to-use and it’s your responsibility to make that happen. Popular technology has taken great strides to make this easy for you, like Facebook and Amazon who have revolutionized the way businesses do social media and online shopping. It is your job as a business owner to keep up with these new features and apps in order to earn repeat customers.
People are Smarter Than You Thought – Thank Technology!
Customers use social media and reviews to determine your trustworthiness and decide whether or not to invest in your product or service. Rumors and paranoia over online scams and bad service can make customers wary, so it’s important to reply to reviews and comments. Maintaining a good and sociable reputation on any site your company uses is more important than the cost of your product. Price is a factor because people want the best deal. But, if your competitor has higher customer ratings and satisfaction than you, then more buyers will go to them because they trust that they’ll get what they paid for. People will pay more money if it means less hassle down the road.
Keep Up with Consumer Demand
If you make decisions for your company based on how consumers are buying products and create a simple and easy experience, your company and sales will grow. Don’t be a business owner who refuses to change for their own convenience. Technology is making you and your customers’ lives easier!
What are you doing to Level Up your business to exceed customer expectations?